dinsdag 4 mei 2010

The speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.
It not only contains the full text of many of King's important speeches, including "I Have a Dream," but also contains original footage of many important events of the Civil Rights Movement. It is excellent for both history and rhetorical analysis. Most students are moved by the film and come away with new respect. Highly recommended.
1955 on the Montgomery Bus Boycott (4.5 minutes),
1956-1962 comments on civil disobedience and nonviolent struggle (6 min.), 1963 March on Washington (the " I have a dream " speech - 17 min.),
1965 Selma, Alabama and the March on Montgomery "How long? Not long?" (9 min.),
1963-1968 comments on the continuing struggle (4 min.),
April 3, 1968 final address "I've been to the mountaintop" (2.5 min.)
Memorial for Dr. King by Robert Kennedy (2.5 min.)
47min divx avi.
hard English subtitles.


Martin Luther King Jr. - I Have a Dream
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King spoke these words as he addressed a crowd of more than 200,000 civil rights protesters gathered at The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Two months earlier, President John Kennedy had sent a civil rights bill to Congress, but it was struck down. Although Kennedy was concerned about the possibility of widespread violence during this protest, he realized he was powerless to stop it and embraced the movement instead. Known as the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom," the country expected to hear King deliver strong words to his opponents. Instead, his "I Have a Dream" speech was one of heartfelt passion and poetic eloquence that still echoes in our memory.
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech stands today as one of the most famous and important speeches in modern history. As the cornerstone of the civil rights movement, it was a message of non-violent opposition to the blight of racism and discrimination in the United States.
After a brief introduction narrated by Peter Jennings, about 5 minutes about the civil right's movement and circumstances leading up to the famous march on Washington, the speech is presented in its entirety.
Perhaps the single most important reason to watch the video (as opposed to reading a text version of the speech) is to witness King's change in tone, demeanor and style as he reaches the end of the speech. As he begins to call for "letting freedom ring" he abandons his notes and begins to seemingly speak extemporaneously, and the passion in his voice begins to rise. It is a powerful visual, lost in any textual version.

*I Have a Dream 20min
*The Big March (Newsreel, 1963)5min
*March on Washington (1963) (17min very sharp picture)
speeches by Ralph Abernathy, Burt Lancaster, Roy Wilkins. Martin Luther King JR (very briefly on stage and comments afterwards)
*The March Twenty Years Later (1983) 16min
pre-march: Gloria Steinem, Coretta Scott King,Ralph Abernathy, Bill Cosby, Dick Gregory
on stage at march: Walter Fauntroy, Benjamin Hooks, Joseph Lowery, Jesse Jackson


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